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Venango County Historical Society

PO Box 101    301 South Park Street    Franklin, Pennsylvania  16323

Genealogical Research Library


For researchers who come to the library in person:


               Genealogical Research Library - Hours:


                           May 1 – December 31:  Wednesdays and Thursdays, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m


                           January 1 – March 31:  Closed, except by appointment


                           April 1 – April 30:   Saturdays only, 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.


The library is staffed by volunteers.  Research may be made only if staff is present.  The library staff will assist you in finding materials for your research.  Please call in advance of your visit to be sure a volunteer will be on duty.  No books or publications are circulated.  A photocopier is located in the room – copy fees are $.50/page.  To view our Document and Photograph Use and Reproduction Policies, please follow the links below.





Please call or email ahead of your visit to be sure a research volunteer will be available.







             On-Site Research Fees:


                           Society Members/Students – No charge

                           Non-Members – $5.00 in addition to photocopying, scanning or Archival fees.


Legal or Corporate Research - $10.00/hour [or any part of] in addition to initial research fees, and photocopying, scanning or Archival fees.





For those requesting research by mail:


 Our initial charge is $25.00, to be paid in advance.  This includes a complete search of all of our library records and photocopies up to 20 (twenty) pages.  Requests must include as much detail about the research subject as you know and a large self-addressed envelope with postage to cover at least two ounces.  Document reproduction fees and other costs are noted on our Document Use and Reproduction Policy.  The fees for photocopies or scanned reproductions of photographs are noted on our Photograph Use and Reproduction Policy.  Legal or company research will be billed at $10.00/hour [or any part of] in addition to the $25.00 initial fee.







Will, Estate, Naturalization Files – $10.00 per file, includes photocopies up to 20 (twenty) pages







If you wish to have research performed by a qualified outside genealogical researcher, or are in need of

someone to search courthouse records, please contact us for that information.







                                      Marianne S. Battista                                   Rainy Linn

                                                   Executive Director                                                   President



        Rev. July, 2008

                August, 2013

About VCHS

The Venango County Historical Society is housed in the Egbert-Mullins-Koos House in Franklin, Pennsylvania. The home was built in 1859 and serves as both the Society's home and exhibit space, a research library, collections storage space, and archival storage.


We serve the Venango County community by preserving the history important to all of us. 

Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events:

New Society Printed Books on sale.

Check out our discounted pricing in the store section of this site, or at the society itself.


The House Museum is currently closed for the season; tours or a visit to the research library is by appoint only, please give us a call to schedule your visit, regular hours resume on May 1, 2025

Silent Movie Night


A joint program with

DeBence Antique Music World

Feb. 22 at 7 p.m.

Buster Keaton's The Navigator with live music by the Pittsburgh Film Orchestra.

The movie will be upstairs on the 3rd floor ballroom.

The ballroom is fully handicapped accessible.  Free and open to the public.


William "Bill" Black Archeology Talk


Falling Springs Rock Shelter

A joint program with

Titusville Historical Society

The program is free and open to the public

Feb. 24 at 6 p.m.

The Titusville Historical Society's Heritage Center


Located in the Parkside

at 201 W. Spring Street



Please use the entry ramp on the

Washington Street side of the building.



Parking is available either on the street or

in the lot off of Washington Street.

MayFest Yard Sale:


We are always looking for gentle used items for our May yard sale during the Franklin MayFest. So, stop in during office hours, or you can even leave them on the front porch by the door.

AppleFest Book Sale:

We are always looking for more books for our Booksale fund raiser during Applefest. So, stop in during office hours, or you can even leave them on the front porch by the door.


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