307 South Park St. PO Box 101 Franklin, PA 16323 814-432-8260 vchistory2019@gmail.com
Venango County Historical Society
Keep track of the happenings at the Venango County Historical Society
About VCHS
The Venango County Historical Society is housed in the Egbert-Mullins-Koos House. The home was built in 1859. VCHS has exhibit space, a research library, collections storage space, and archival storage. We serve the community by preserving the history important to us.
Upcoming Events
Upcoming Events:
River Ridge Tour:
Thursday, September 26, 2024, (2) tours, one at 3:00 and one at 6:00 p.m.
Cost is $25 per person; reservation and payment must be in advance. Space is limited.
Contact the office for your reservation, 814-432-8260
VCHS Annual Meeting:
The annual meeting of the VCHS will be held on Thursday, November 7, 2024, at the Hand in Hand Building, 118 Grant Street (The old Buyers Fair Building), at 5:00, with a catered dinner at 5:30.
Following will be the Annual Meeting and our guest speaker, Jon Bernstein of the Wildcat Masion, formerly the White Sisters Mansion.
Cost is $25 per person, and reservation and payment are required in advance.
Contact the office for your reservation, 814-432-8260
AppleFest Book Sale:
We are always looking for more books for our Booksale fund raiser during Applefest. So, stop in during office hours, or you can even leave them on the front porch by the door.
New Society Printed Books on sale.
Check out our discounted pricing in the store section of this site, or at the society itself.
House is open M-F 10-2